Teeth Extractions in
Beaverton, Oregon

Wisdom teeth can cause discomfort at any point from age 17 on. This third set of molars can cause terrible pain or threaten the alignment of your other teeth. Thankfully, Family Dental Care in Beaverton, Oregon is the place to go for quality, dependable teeth extraction procedures.

Teeth Extractions in Beaverton, Oregon

Most of us know that wisdom teeth are more likely to give us pain than wisdom. For those of you who don’t, you should know that they are still in your gums even if you don’t see them. X-rays, a part of regular dentist visits, are a great way to predict how and when these teeth may come in.

Your dentist will be able to look at your X-rays and suggest when to get your wisdom teeth out. Even if you did not have this luxury and suddenly feel pain, Family Dental Care provides same-day emergency care. So give us a call!

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

According to WebMD.com, there are four main reasons to have your wisdom teeth taken out:

  • They’re impacted. Wisdom teeth can become trapped in your jawbone or gums, which can cause jaw or gum pain.
  • They come in at the wrong angle and press against your other teeth, causing pain or damage.
  • Your mouth is too small and your jaw has no room for an extra set of molars.
  • You have cavities or gum disease. Because your wisdom teeth may not have come through the gumline, you may not be able to reach them with your toothbrush or dental floss.

Before the Surgery:

Before the surgery, your dentist will meet with you to discuss the procedure. Be sure to mention any drugs you use, health issues you may have, and questions that may bug you. Plan to have enough time off work to undergo the procedure and rest at home.

Anesthesia and Sedation

Family Dental Care offers the following forms of anesthesia and sedation: oral sedatives, local anesthetic, and laughing gas. These offer different levels of sedation, but all that is needed is to numb your mouth and make you comfortable.

  • The area to undergo the procedure can be numbed with a shot for local anesthetic. You will still be awake, but you won’t feel anything.
  • Oral sedatives provide a deeper sedation. You take a pill and relax, but you will still be awake.
  • Laughing Gas is an odorless, colorless gas you will inhale through a small mask. You won’t need to inhale deeply, just breathe normally and you’ll feel the effects. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions the dentist may have while under the influence of laughing gas.

The Procedure:

Your dentist will cut in and get the teeth out all in about 45 minutes. These cuts may need to go into bone as well, but know that your dentist will stitch them up to make sure they heal fast. These stitches dissolve inside your mouth.

After the Procedure:

You will be given a sterile piece of gauze to bite down on. Be sure to bite down as directed. This will help slow any bleeding and allows a clot to form in the socket. There may be swelling and it might take about three days for your mouth to fully heal. Make sure to stick with soft foods, open and close your mouth slowly to exercise it, and use ice to impede swelling. Be sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

Drinking through a straw may loosen blood clots, so avoid that. Also avoid smoking, harsh mouth rinsing, and hard foods.

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in Beaverton

Kendra W.
Google dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon
5 star dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon

Kendra W.

Dr. Hadi is an excellent dentist. He is kind, he cares and he takes the time to listen. My daughter loves him. Having a great dentist means so much to us. Thank you Dr. Hadi Nouredine!
Qusay T.
Google dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon
5 star dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon

Qusay T.

Great staff and friendly, flexible timing schedule, great customer service with easy, competitive and comfortable prices and scheduled payments.
Entela K.
Google dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon
5 star dental office review in Beaverton, Oregon

Entela K.

I have been going there for the last 21 years.... that says it all! They have always been taking care of me, It feels great to know that they are there to take care of you, starting from the office manager Angie, the girls at the front desk, Dr. Hadi and his assistants and the hygienist, Tanya.
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Dr. Hadi Nouredine, dentist in Beaverton, Oregon
Your smile is our top priority. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the gentle, personalized care that you deserve.

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